After five years, I am starting a new year without a book to be written.
To gainfully (?) employ my late nights, I am starting the 100 Movie Pact (inspired by my wife’s Saree Pact in 2015) with which I also hope to revive my comatose blog.
In some of my best movie-watching years, I have crossed the 200 count and thought nothing of it. However, in the present scheme of things, hundred seems to be a fairly steep target and I will have to judiciously add Pixar/Marvel to the mix in order to get to the number.
Also, I have listed down some criteria to make the #100MoviePact a little more than turning up at the nearest multiplex twice a week.
Here they are:
- Will write a minimum of hundred words about each of the films I watch. These will not (necessarily) be reviews but a random collection of thoughts during the viewings.
- Will only include first-watch movies. Repeat viewings won’t be included in the count.
- Will watch at least five movies as part of film festival(s).
- Will watch at least five first-day-first-shows. (This is likely to be the toughest to get to.)
- Will watch movies in at least three different cities.
- Will watch the movies with not more than one break. This also means TV movies don’t count, unless I record them and watch in one go.
- Will watch at least 50% of the movies in languages other than Hindi and English.
I will start the #100MoviePact on 1st January, 2016.
If you also love watching movies, join in…
(Leave a comment on the post if you are planning to take this up as well. Would be good to exchange notes, share thoughts and talk movies!)